Actradis News – april 2021

This month's news at Actradis

Actradis News avril 2021

New member of the French PropTech : Actradis joins the French Proptech, a movement that federates more than 150 tech and innovation players who seek to reinvent the city.

The Enterprise API : Actradis now has the necessary authorisation to access the Enterprise API. As a software publisher acting on behalf of public authorities, Actradis integrates the Enterprise API into the interfaces of its public clients. This allows an administration to access automatically, and directly at the source, the data and administrative documents of their suppliers, in order to simplify their procedures.

To (re)read the dedicated article, just click here!

Actradis develops its CSR strategy

What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)? CSR is the taking into account of environmental, social, economic and ethical issues by a company in the conduct of its business. A company that implements a CSR strategy will therefore seek to have a positive impact on society while being economically viable

In 2021, Actradis is pursuing its commitments and developing its CSR strategy by initiating a carbon footprint. This method of accounting for all our direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions will enable us to draw up an action plan to reduce the impact of our activities on the environment. Let’s act for a more responsible world. 

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