A label in the real estate and building services sectors? Yes, but which one and why?

RSE immobilier

By committing to a CSR approach, you can increase your company’s overall performance on the economic, societal and environmental pillars over time. In addition, this commitment meets the expectations of your stakeholders (employees, customers and suppliers).

Here are some practical tips to help you start a CSR approach:

good practices csr real estate
*There are softwares that can help you to assess your consumption and reduce it.

A label? Yes, but which one and why?

In the construction and real estate sector, being labelled will give credibility to your CSR approach in the eyes of your customers and suppliers. Here is a selection of the main labels that will enable you to affirm your desire to include your company in a solid CSR approach.

Committed CSR label: the Rolls Royce of labels!

This label is currently the only internationally recognized label based on the ISO 26000 standard. The committed CSR label is aimed at all types of organisations, from very small businesses to multinationals, regardless of their maturity in terms of social and environmental responsibility. It aims to establish the guidelines for CSR within your company, in compliance with the major international founding texts such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the conventions of the International Labour Organisation…
Find out more in one click here (french link)

RGE label : are you a building professional specializing in energy renovation work or the installation of equipment using renewable energy? The RGE (Recognized as an environmental guarantor) label allows you to promote your expertise and to be listed on the information site for private individuals. Only work and installations carried out by professionals holding an RGE quality mark are eligible for certain financial aid and tax deductions.

The RGE quality signs meet a set of requirements in terms of resources and skills defined in two standards.

  • Standard NF X50-091 or equivalent: the RGE quality signs corresponding to this standard are called qualifications. They relate to the technical capacity, resources and skills of a company to carry out quality work in a given activity.
  • NF EN ISO/CEI 17065 standard or equivalent: the RGE quality signs corresponding to this standard are called certifications. They relate to a company’s competence in designing and carrying out energy renovation work. This work must be part of an overall offer to improve energy performance. The certification also covers the company’s ability to provide support to the client throughout the project. 

To find out more about obtaining this label on the french website, click here

As a direct actor on environmental and social issues, you have probably already started a CSR strategy without knowing it! In order to help you deepen your understanding, here are some links to consult:

  • Understanding the expectations of a CSR strategy here (the french link) .
  • Why are you a direct player in the real estate sector? Click here (french link).
  • The 8 CSR labels that commit your company to a transparent approach: consult the link (in french)

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